

日期:2024-04-29 16:12


AEROSIL® 气相法二氧化硅在环保和节能方面的应用


Climate protection and energy conservation with AEROSIL® fumed silica


赢创开发的AEROSIL® 气相法二氧化硅,具备优越的绝热性能,非常低的导热系数,λ< 20 mW/m•K*。相比传统的隔热系统,比如聚苯乙烯或聚氨酯泡沫塑料、玻璃纤维或岩棉纤维,它具备更高的绝热性能。这些传统的绝缘材料的应用很多可以追溯到20世纪50年代。它们已经达到了其绝热性能的极限,不能满足当今高效保温的技术需求。这也是AEROSIL® 气相法二氧化硅越来越多地被用于高效保温系统解决方案中的原因。



*) 与适合的遮光剂配合使用的效果

AEROSIL气相二氧化硅在热绝缘中应用-High-temperature insulation

AEROSIL® is already widely used as insulating material in ceramic stovetops, in industrial applications and in the field of fire protection.

Even when things get hot, Evonik offers the ideal solution. The heating elements underneath ceramic stove tops reach temperatures of up to 1,000 ºC — so they need insulation that can reliably stand up to the constant heat. Just another area in which AEROSIL® has proven itself as an insulating material.

A thin layer of AEROSIL® is built into the heating elements of many stovetops. Its insulating properties are so good that electrical wires can be located quite close to the heating elements themselves. But that’s not all. The layer of AEROSIL® also provides a reliable mount for the heating elements, which expand as they grow hot. This tried-and-proven application has been standard in many stovetops for decades now.

Its resistance to heat also makes AEROSIL® a reliable material for use in fire prevention and protection, where it is used in the making of elevator doors, airplane black boxes and to insulate pipes and conduits in chemical plants. AEROSIL® is an outstanding, low-weight, mineral-based insulator with excellent qualities, even at very high temperatures.

AEROSIL气相二氧化硅在热绝缘中应用-Vacuum-insulation panels (VIP)

AEROSIL® is used in vacuum-insulation panels (VIP) and has been in the spotlight for years as an essential component of energy-efficient refrigerators.
Vacuum-insulation panels (VIP)
Vacuum-insulation panels (VIP)

With the development of vacuum-insulation panels (VIP) 20 years ago, Evonik delivered a particularly energy-efficient and economical solution. The panels are made with vacuum-packed AEROSIL® encased in several layers of a special film that is impermeable to air and moisture. The better the quality of the structure of the silica in its core, the better the insulation effect of VIP. The way VIPs work is similar to a Thermos jug. The vacuum conducts very little heat, thereby inhibiting convection (the natural transfer of heat). 

The success story of VIPs containing AEROSIL® began just a few years ago, when rapidly rising energy costs resulted in increased pressure to save energy. Although they are considerably thinner than conventional insulating materials, VIPs are about eight times as effective as the polyurethane foam previously used in refrigerators, for example.

In practical terms, that means a meaningful reduction in energy consumption as well as more space inside the refrigerator. Vacuum-insulation panels make it easy to manufacture refrigerators that achieve A++ and A+++ energy-efficiency ratings. Today, thanks to their reliability as insulating material, VIPs are also used in portable coolers like the ones used to transport blood samples, medicine, and human organs, where a constant temperature is of utmost importance.

Besides being a standard component of refrigerators and deep freezes, VIPs containing AEROSIL® are also used in a number of other areas, including packaging and containers for temperature-sensitive products as well as retrofit insulation for buildings, for example, exterior facades and floors. And cold transport trucks are also increasingly taking advantage of VIPs, which helps them reduce fuel consumption by up to 25 %. Thus new applications and new markets are opening up all the time.








“芯材中二氧化硅结构的品质越好,VIP的隔热效果就越好,”赢创隔热应用技术部经理弗兰克•门泽尔(Frank Menzel)博士解释说。尽管VIP与传统隔热材料相比要薄得多,但是它能够达到约8至10倍的保温值。在实际应用中,这项性能意味着大幅减少能耗,同时增加冰箱内部的可利用空间。

因此,越来越多的冰箱组件供应商开始依靠AEROSIL®所带来的优异品质。其中一家供应商是Porextherm Dämmstoffe GmbH公司,它的总部设在肯普滕,十多年来一直从事VIP的生产。


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